Regulament general WeAreElectric.RO Comunitate, s.f. Grup de oameni cu interese, credințe sau norme de viață comune. Sursa: Articolul 1 – Dispoziții generale Comunitatea WeAreElectric este un grup de oameni
Recomandari 2019Recomandari 2019
Anul trecut va spuneam in linii mari despre (doar) 3 optiuni de trotinete electrice . Dupa cateva zeci de intalniri organizate in comunitate si cateva zeci de modele testate,
WeAreElectric.RO & RevolutWeAreElectric.RO & Revolut
Hello World! Venim cu vești bune la început de an! Am creat link-ul promoțional personalizat de la care comunitatea noastră poate comanda gratuit cardul fizic Revolut, dacă membrii nu au încercat
1 an de – Party & premii electrice, pentru voi!1 an de – Party & premii electrice, pentru voi!
Duminica 06.01.2019 implinim 1 an de cand a inceput oficial sa creasca, ajungand sa fie azi cea mai mare comunitate de vehicule electrice din Romania! Alaturi de noi, la
Fakir & WeAreElectric.ROFakir & WeAreElectric.RO
Hello World! De azi, 21.11.2018 comunitatea și Fakir Protectie Antipana au început un nou parteneriat! Membrii comunității We Are Electric pot comanda produsele direct de pe site-ul !
Adevaratul raspuns oficial despre legalitatea si statutul trotinetelor electriceAdevaratul raspuns oficial despre legalitatea si statutul trotinetelor electrice
Hello World! Pentru a veni in ajutorul comunitatii, a trimis o solicitare scrisa catre Politia Romana si Primarie, pentru a primi in scris raspunsuri oficiale in ceea ce priveste
#16th meeting – #WeAreElectric#16th meeting – #WeAreElectric
Hello World! Our sixteenth meeting was one of the biggest we’ve ever had, with many electric scooters that we’ve tested, compared and analyzed. Also, an electric bike, lots of accessories
#15th meeting – #WeAreElectric#15th meeting – #WeAreElectric
Hello World! Our fifteenth meeting was one of the most interesting we’ve ever had, with many electric scooters that we’ve tested, compared and analyzed. Also, lots of accessories and FUN
#14th meeting – #WeAreElectric#14th meeting – #WeAreElectric
Hello World! Our fourteenth meeting was one of the most interesting we’ve ever had, with many electric scooters that we’ve tested, compared and analyzed. Also, lots of accessories and FUN
#13th meeting – #WeAreElectric#13th meeting – #WeAreElectric
Hello World! Our thirteenth meeting was one of the biggest we’ve ever had, with many electric scooters that we’ve tested, compared and analyzed. Also, lots of accessories and FUN with