WeAreElectric.RO Uncategorized Parteneriat WeAreElectric.RO & CuriousJoe.SE

Parteneriat WeAreElectric.RO & CuriousJoe.SE

Hello World!

English: We are happy to announce that weareelectric.ro and Curious Joe just started a partnership!
So, for all those interested in buying some good quality products for Xiaomi M365, you can use the voucher „weareelectric.ro” on the website https://www.curiousjoe.se/webshop and you get 5% off !
Romana: Daca sunteti interesati de produsele Curious Joe, va invitam sa ne spuneti aici in comentarii ce vreti sa aducem! Beneficiati nu doar de cei 5% discount, ci scapati asftel si de taxele de transport din Suedia in Romania Multe dintre produse sunt deja pe stoc in Romania.

For more photos & videos visit our WeAreElectric.Ro Facebook Group



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9 thoughts on “Parteneriat WeAreElectric.RO & CuriousJoe.SE”

  1. Buna ziua,

    sunt interesat de urmatoarele:
    Hook – 3 bucati
    Kit-Black – 3 bucati (am vazut pe site-ul Curious Joe acest kit: Modification kit v2.1 (extended set)), il aveti si pe acesta?

    Ce pret ar fi in total?

    Va multumesc.

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